It is hard to be humble when there is an Appaloosa in your life.

Callie is a once in a lifetime horse.  Not the horse I would have looked at - but Michelle  insisted we spend the time for the drive.  I first rode her in a ring - and realized she had all the gears.  They said she was green broke - and I was looking for a packer but -

First, she is pleasant to look at:

Callie at Eastwind Corgis

So Callie came home - and she got on with the corgis - although it seemed she did the herding:

Callie and the corgi girls

And of course riding her turned out to be best of all.  She packed me up and down mountains, through streams, along roads and most of all kept me on her back when I needed it most.

Callie and John rounding up horses

Callie got to go to her first horse show. It was the Mountain Trail Championships We had a good time and look forward to next year. Callie and John at a trail riding horse show

Callie went to Quinn Meadows with her friend Chillie, and decided to hang out at the stream.

Callie and Chilli at Quinn Meadows